Saturday, July 14, 2012


It is 5:47am (cst)I have been up most of the night. I am really getting ready to start college again in hopes of earning my Master's Degree. I have been doing a little prep-work for one of my classes...I ran across the definition of Hobbes (you know the philosopher). It is interesting: try putting Hobbes as a politician in today's society. He is an English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government caused by the selfishness of human beings. Hobbes was basically people should pursue what ever and defend their own interests--solitary, poor, nasty and brutish. However our founding fathers -- embraced John Locke's work -- unalienable rights -- with some restrictions to individual rights to maintain democracy. Question to think about? Have we allowed too much materialism to be interjected in our lives? and if so, Have we become too selfish as human beings in defending our personal interest and not what is best for all of our brethren? Have we all become solitary, poor, nasty and brutish? TIME TO TAKE A STAND AND STEP OUT OF THE NORMS OF THE POLITICAL BOX. We are all in the same boat together. UNITED WE STAND...LET US NOT BE DIVIDED WE FALL! Maybe the one good quality I do posses is the ability to want us to really think about what we read. Then we should sit down, think about it and ask ourselves honestly "Why do I think this way?" (a) Is it because I was raised this way? (b) Did I pick up this thinking form school? Honesty in ourselves is something that is often taken for granted--especially when it comes to people wanting certain material things in life.

Purple Babies

Purple Babies
They are cute. I am glad they aren't mine.

Important Question?

Can a mother be a man? Yes --- in a New York minute! He can change a diaper and wipe a nose. Can a mother be a father? Yes -- a woman can put a worm on a hook just as fast as a man.

Important Questions ?

Does giving birth make you a mother? Does having a child in a relationship make you a father? On both accounts no. Just because you have a biological connection to a child makes you not a mother or a father. A real father or mother is painful, tearful, dramatic, tempered, hurt, love, hate, like, giving of one's needs totally to the point of distraction and so on. The biggest thing you can give you child doesn't come in the form of a gift. The biggest thing you can give your child is "YOUR TIME."

About Me

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This blog started as a class project, but I couldn't put it down. There is just too much information that we need as women and as parents! We shouldn't be afraid to talk about any of it!