Sunday, October 16, 2011

16th October 2011

I made a huge mistake today. I read the Sunday paper.  Shouldn't have done it.  (Then I found out it was the Saturday Paper I was reading of Sunday.) That just opens another door for me to say something about the life in which we live today..the mass confusion of society and that I am not differemt-- I get confused.

According Paul West, (Tribune Newspapers) wrote a brief article about Perry and his plans as president in West Mifflin, PA. He wants more oil and gas useage and to do away with the EPA. I see that governor Perry doesn't want anything left of what might be the legacy of our ancestors.Well he just ought to forget running for president and just blow up the nation, declare a victory and get it over with! (Stand up and cheer everyone!) Underneath Perry's picture, according McClatchy Newspapers and Tribune Newspapers, Perry said on ABC news "Well, I do have one of the finest women in the world that I could be married to and she is passionate." Well Bob Dole was passionate to Elizabeth Dole. So passionate (common knowledge) that she locked him and his Viagra passion out of the house one afternoon. So tell me..just how passionate is Governor Perry?

Further more, according to Mrs. Perry he is a conservative Christian and she "can't argue with those facts." That is the fact, he is most conservative and a Christian. At first glance I thought she was agreeing that she is passionate.

You know what I have to say to all this? Well let me see.  (a) Our earth is screwed up and if we keep destroying it, it will eventually destroy us. I am not one of those environmentalist but what I just stated is a fact.
(b) Creating jobs is great, but when all those men and women die off from dealing with the manufacturing of carcenjens in the environment, then we will save a lot of money in social security disbursements -- because they will all be dead! 
(c) Governor Perry, you being a Christian, conservative, with a passionate wife shouldn't reflect on how well you do a job. I understand according to the US Constitution, that a persons religious preference nor their familial status is non-disclosed fact that the prospective employer is not entitled to in order to qualify them for that job. Did someone ask you about this?  If they asked you about this, I want to know who they are? 

Now, a note for the American Public --just because a person professes to be Christian doesn't make it so. Just because he says his wife is passionate doesn't make it so. In fact it is telling too much about yourself -- one that we really do not need to know.

What are the facts about your previous jobs? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your salary expectations? As governor of Texas, what did you accomplish as governor?
Please list them here: 

Employer only-coments:
There is nothing listed. Well?_________________________________________________

Accepted:______________________  Rejected: ______REJECTED__________________

Purple Babies

Purple Babies
They are cute. I am glad they aren't mine.

Important Question?

Can a mother be a man? Yes --- in a New York minute! He can change a diaper and wipe a nose. Can a mother be a father? Yes -- a woman can put a worm on a hook just as fast as a man.

Important Questions ?

Does giving birth make you a mother? Does having a child in a relationship make you a father? On both accounts no. Just because you have a biological connection to a child makes you not a mother or a father. A real father or mother is painful, tearful, dramatic, tempered, hurt, love, hate, like, giving of one's needs totally to the point of distraction and so on. The biggest thing you can give you child doesn't come in the form of a gift. The biggest thing you can give your child is "YOUR TIME."

About Me

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This blog started as a class project, but I couldn't put it down. There is just too much information that we need as women and as parents! We shouldn't be afraid to talk about any of it!