“UN: Food supply tenuous for 16 million N Koreans.”
I like that word tenuous. (Like many of Americans, I had to look it up. I do not use a word unless I know the full meaning of it.) In other words the food supply in North Korea is lacking, weak, rare.
Do you remember back when (1950s/60s/70s) our parents use to advise us at the dinner table to eat all the food on our plate?
“There are thousands of starving children in southern Asia who go without food.”
Was there any substance to that comment? I cannot speak for then, but for now, that comment is very true and sad to say. I took the time to research the situation. According to an article written by Han Ho Suk, North Korean is fast becoming a world super power and willing to take on anyone who gets in its way. This is all fine and dandy but the country of North Korea cannot feed 24 million people and the United Nations is calling for help. (Lee) A while back, the United States placed an economic blockade on North Korea to enforce worldly UN Sanctions for nuclear weapons, yet the State Department issued information last year that US “will be giving” North Korean emergency aid only. (Michell) Does this make sense?
Get ready US Citizens because our government (which is nothing new with this administration) will cause the people of this country to have severe economic intestinal pains when they swallow this dose of CRAP which is being inflicted or dealt with behind closed doors. I have to criticize whether or not most of the worldly leaders have any intellect what so ever or does this only apply to the USA and its citizens. See if you can make any sense in all of this.
The US State Department, April 2012, published this information about North Korea: Economy* GDP (2010 est., CIA World Factbook): $28 billion; 48.2% in industry, 31% in services, 20.8% in agriculture. Per capita GDP, purchasing power parity (2011 est., CIA World Factbook): $1,800. Agriculture: Products--rice, corn, potatoes, soybeans, cattle, pigs, pork, and eggs. Mining and manufacturing: Types--military products, machine building, electric power, chemicals, mining (coal, iron ore, limestone, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead, and precious metals), metallurgy, textiles, food processing, tourism. Trade (2010): Exports--$2.557 billion (CIA World Factbook): minerals, metallurgical products, manufactures (including armaments), textiles, agricultural and fishery products. The D.P.R.K. is also thought to earn hundreds of millions of dollars from the unreported sale of missiles, narcotics, and counterfeit cigarettes and currency, and other illicit activities. Imports--$3.529 billion: petroleum, coking coal, machinery and equipment, textiles, grain. Major trading partners (2009): (1) China, (2) R.O.K., (3) Singapore, and (4) India. In small letters at the bottom of the page, “In most cases, these figures used above are estimates based upon incomplete data and projections.”
This type of statement is what is wrong with the financial world and the US Economy. Everything is based on estimates, incomplete data, and projections. This is why we went to war with Iraq, incomplete data, estimates, etc. (***FYI the CIA has stopped printing and actually updating its “Factbook” since about 2009: What is the CIA up to?***) Do we all need to contact the show “Fact or Fiction” on SCI-FI Television to investigate? I have three questions: (1) Is there a hunger issue in North Korea? (2) Is there a real military threat in North Korea? (3) Are we getting into a wrangle with the North Korean’s on behalf of one of our allies and major debtors, China? India? Singapore?

Bauer, John W. U S Army War College Journal. “Unlocking Russian Interest on the Korean Peninsula.” Summer 2009, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p52, June 2009. Web
http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/44287816/unlocking-russian-interests-korean-peninsula 12th June 2012.
Lee, Jean. Yahoo News. “ UN: Food Supply tenuous for 16 million N Koreans.” 12th June 2012. Web http://news.yahoo.com/un-food-supply-tenuous-16-million-nkoreans-040735079.html Michell, Tony.
BBC New-Business. “Viewpoint: Kim’s death and the North Korean economy.” Euro-Asian Business Consultancy. 19th December 2011. Web. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-16254565 12th June 2012.
Spencer, Richard. The Telegraph. “North Korea threatens full scale war if rocket is intercepted.” 9th Mar 2009. Web http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/4960009/North-Korea-threatens-full-scale-war-if-rocket-is-intercepted.html 12th June 2012 (Photo: Getty)