This blog is about everything dealing with mother's, women, parents, and any subject I so choose to come up with.
From the Voices of our Youth
Mother Teresa

"Everyone lives to be needed." Mother Teresa
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Why do you get on Face-Book?
Have you ever thought the reasoning as to why you or anyone else gets on Face-Book? It is a social media to be social on; you share part of yourself with others and they reciprocate. Can people be not nice on Face-Book? Of course they can, but here is my thought on the entire social media sharing. Let me share a little about myself and what I see in most of you.
I am a person who likes to write, yet I really do not like to go anywhere. I like staying at home in my four walls. I was once extroverted but as I have gotten older, I became introverted: I really do not like to talk to anyone anymore period! Even though I sometimes will take a job as a motivational type speaker, I am truly not a procrastinator except once in a while. The past 30 days (though) I have been a major procrastinator, a personal need of just attention—because of unspoken stress and health issues. So I have really been on Face-Book. I hit the “like” button, because I agree. There are a lot of intelligent comments that people write or comments that are funny and make my day with an internal chuckle or two.
My standard day consists of work and home. I do go and actually play Bingo on dollar night once in a while. I win too! It is nice to walk away with more than $500.00 in my pocket. But think about it? We all get in a rut on our home turf on a daily basis. We seek something that we need, which is basically to be agreed with or heard—regardless if it is writing or speaking. We also have a need to share without any real strings attached—no real demands of our precious time other than to just let someone know we will pray for them, or we are thinking about them. Each of us already has a lot on our plate going on personally. Many of the games we play on Face-Book are like exercises; they are a stress releases to get us off of our mundane stressors. Some people do not play games and just do not like to, but that is their choice and I we should respect that.
There is a key to all of this. When we click that “like” button, we tell someone we “like” or are “thinking” about them. The underlying meaning is that we are acknowledging that person’s presence. To take it one step further, we are letting them know that we are in their lives and we need them to be there with us in ours. Mother Teresa (I have her pictured above) wrote “Everyone lives to be needed.” When we interact with people in person, there are times (be honest with yourself) you question your very existence as to why you are even there. You may actually question why this person may need you sometimes. On Face-Book, you do not really have to question that.
You may sit and say your life is fulfilling, well so is mine, but there is always a little voice, a piece of us which we hold to ourselves that questions so much that we do not understand dealing with our very existence and no one is exempt from this--period. Do not insult yourself by attempting to deny that fact.
Be human, be real, be yourself: therefore it is okay to snap, be humorous, make mistakes, and it is okay to be human on Face-Book—not some corporate dummy, or someone’s mom, or someone’s sister, or someone’s daughter. But remember, sometimes employers would like to hold it against us which isn’t right, because we are being human and not perfect by any means. Think about what I have written because this is the way I see in myself, and I see in many of you.
Take note:
The most exciting thing that I have done in the past 10 days:
I boarded a ferry and went across the ship channel. Why was it exciting to me? I closed my eyes, and smelled the water, while feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. I could hear ship horns in the distance. I heard sea gulls calling for morsels of food. I could feel a slightly light splash (a few droplets) of water as I leaned over soaking in the moment. I did not hear too much because I was concentrating on the water sounds hitting the side of the boat. Then I realized that this is a wonderful example of what God created for me. The sky has colors I can never possibly paint on canvas—truly bluer than blue. I was happy to the fact I was sharing it with 2 people I love very intently (my children.) I was then totally relaxed and in love with the world around us. My rose colored glasses saw no pollution, no hate, no anger, no pain, no starvation, no death, no blood, no guts, and no gore for the rest of the day. (And no I wasn’t doing drugs or drinking!)
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Toni Morrison
An Education in Slave Trade
- Letters to R C Ballard regarding slave woman abuse
- The Irish Slave Trade- The forgotten "White Slaves"- John Martin
- Slave girl St. Louis on Slavery -- reenactment from written testimony
- Abolish Slavery--Human Trafficking Exposed
- Child Sex Slavery in America
- Slavery in America
- Video- Muslim Black Slavery - Islam Slave History of Black America
- James O. Horton - Lecture on Slavery in the founding era
- David Eltis - Speaks out about his findings on the slave trade- youtube
- New Revelations about slaves & slave trade--David Eltis & David Richardson
- Somerville High teacher heads to Barbados to learn about slavery
- Today's Hidden Slave Trade - Michelle Goldberg-The Daily Beast
- Ghana Web- Government Seeks Reparation - Baladu Manu
- Bruce's History Lesson -- Lincoln and Great Britan end the slave trade-- Bruce G Kauffmann
Purple Babies

They are cute. I am glad they aren't mine.
Important Question?
Can a mother be a man? Yes --- in a New York minute! He can change a diaper and wipe a nose. Can a mother be a father? Yes -- a woman can put a worm on a hook just as fast as a man.
Important Questions ?
Does giving birth make you a mother? Does having a child in a relationship make you a father? On both accounts no. Just because you have a biological connection to a child makes you not a mother or a father. A real father or mother is painful, tearful, dramatic, tempered, hurt, love, hate, like, giving of one's needs totally to the point of distraction and so on. The biggest thing you can give you child doesn't come in the form of a gift. The biggest thing you can give your child is "YOUR TIME."
About Me

- Julia Burns American Motherhood
- This blog started as a class project, but I couldn't put it down. There is just too much information that we need as women and as parents! We shouldn't be afraid to talk about any of it!