Monday, January 23, 2012

To Chip or Not to Chip is the Question?

I am not sure whether it is the sign of the times or what? There seems to be a tremendous amount of conspiracy theories flying all in the air from the mouth of society that certain government leaders being the anti-Christ to many governments converging with each other to plant micro-chips into people for identification purposes. These implantations of these types of chips are the sure sign that the apocalypse is fast approaching. It is all scary! A person just doesn’t know what to believe as being plausible and or truthful. We just have to use our best judgment.  I started this research project over the internet to may prove or disprove the US Government chip implantation in the people. All I can say is WOW! I learned that I did a full revolution of ignorance to ignorant knowledge.
For a person not to know anything I found out really fast less than before. We as a society are about 50 years too late [a day late and dollar short]. The Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) has been around for approximately 50 years or so.  In the words of the famous telephone character Gomer Pyle “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!”
The purpose of the RFID chip was used to track merchandise. Then it has become multi-purpose in the past decade or so to track animals in the wild. It has graduated to track domestic animals to Alzheimer’s patients, military equipment, lost airline luggage, fire and rescue teams, prisoners, and much more according to the Motorola Corporation.
I understand that the US Government is thinking about using the RFID chip to track citizens.  I really couldn’t find any concrete documentation to that affect.  Since the first use on a human in 1973 to current there is one question that continually arises.  “The question is where did this idea come from [RFID chips in human]? How would it prove to be convenient or by any means prove to be of some use to humans? Many people have contradictory opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of RFID implant in humans. Well the idea was simple. You can pay for services that you avail through the radio frequency identification chips. Another important application is in the case of medicals.” (Alam)
My personal opinion as to the advantages of this application; this would include safety for the location of missing children or missing elderly.  It would also help in the prevention of criminal activity or missing military personnel. It would protect every citizen against identity theft. Those possibilities are wonderful. It would also help expedite medical services for a person unable to speak. It would provide the information needed to save a life. The disadvantage is invasion of privacy. (Stanley) Would this be “chipping” away at our Constitution? Are basic civil liberties that the ACLU has so boldly and proudly fought for all these years in danger again? Great Britain has already decided to scrap the thought of infringing on the rights of its citizens pertaining to the chip. But, Spain is using it as identifiers to pay for certain services. (Koprowski) At this very moment what the American People may or may not be aware of is the Department of Homeland Security, under the last Bush Administration, had already set into motion the application of the RFID for domestic terrorists security measures. What I did find interesting is that the Department of Homeland Security is working with Wal-Mart on a similar computer programs. (DHS) I am sure that the majority of domestic terrorist would like to save a dollar and shop at Wal-Mart so that the US Government can keep an “eye on them.” *
All this technology and its use, again, alerts the ACLU and several law schools as a test of the 4th Amendment. (Dalal, Stanley) The market is set and on the rise. The major buyers for the RFID are our governments –worldwide. The cost is inexpensive to make and implant.  “Government schemes and large orders from emerging markets have been driving the market. However the technology’s vulnerability to security and privacy issues continues to be a challenge for the market...Research conducted by TechNavio reveals that the global RFID market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 26 percent. The report which focuses on the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific indicated that the market is currently driven by large investments being made by various governments across the world…Several countries like China and the US invests heavily in RFID to use them for government related purposes.” (Wood) 
It is everywhere and in everything we do now. It is probably in your employee badge as I write this blog and you don’t even realize it. If it comes about as being required (humans having it implanted) or being denied certain aspect of social programs vastly needed for survival, who will win? We may say no today, but would you say no when you are standing in line and cannot get your payroll check cashed without one or withdraw money from your bank? Is this enough information to make an informed decision? To ask these questions is like saying that this is the mark of the Anti-Christ beast. We have all been made aware to keep our eyes open, listen, and beware of Christian “over” zealots as well as our US Government. 
It is scary and we cannot at all tell what our future will bring or whether or not all these signs are truly apocalyptical. We can (though) be informed and be prepared on all accounts. We can make sound decisions. But rest assure the RFID chip is here, growing, being used, and will remain. The future purposes are unknown for the American people because the DHS report was the only official governmental report that I personally was able to find and it didn’t mention mass chip implantation on society. But then again has the CIA risen its fascinating head into another clandestine “cold war” theater performance?

Works Cited
Alam, Shah Newaz. Life on the Web. RIFD Chip in Humans.  4th October 2011  Web 21st January 2011.
Dalal, Reepal.  Boston Law Review. Chipping Away at the Constitution: The increasing use of RFID Chips could lead to an erosion of privacy rights.  Vol. 86:485   Web 21 January 2012.
Data and Integrity Advisory Committee. The Department of Homeland Security. Report No. 2006-02:The Use of RFID for Human Identify Verification. 6th December 2006. file:///C:/Users/Aaron's/Desktop/Homeland%20Security%20discussion%20on%20RFID%20Chip.pdf  Web 21st January 2012.
Kanellos, Michael. CNEtt. Idea of Implanting tags raises Orwellian fears.  23rd August 2004.    Web 21st January 2012.
Khara, Kanika. Life on the Web.  What is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology.   Web. 21st January 2012
Koprowski, Gene J. Where’sJimmy? Just Google his Bar Code.  14th May 2010.   Web 21st January 2012.
Staff Marketing. RFID Government Solutions.  2012.   Web 21st January 2012.
Stokes, Jon.  ARS Technica. FDA Approves implanted RFID Chips for Humans  October 2004.   Web 21st January 2012.
Wood, Laura. Business Wire-a Berkshire Hathaway Company. Research and Markets: Global RFID Market 2010-2014 – Market and Vendor Landscape Supported by Drivers Restraints and Trends:   Research and Markets, 4th March 2011.    Web 21st January 2011

Purple Babies

Purple Babies
They are cute. I am glad they aren't mine.

Important Question?

Can a mother be a man? Yes --- in a New York minute! He can change a diaper and wipe a nose. Can a mother be a father? Yes -- a woman can put a worm on a hook just as fast as a man.

Important Questions ?

Does giving birth make you a mother? Does having a child in a relationship make you a father? On both accounts no. Just because you have a biological connection to a child makes you not a mother or a father. A real father or mother is painful, tearful, dramatic, tempered, hurt, love, hate, like, giving of one's needs totally to the point of distraction and so on. The biggest thing you can give you child doesn't come in the form of a gift. The biggest thing you can give your child is "YOUR TIME."

About Me

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This blog started as a class project, but I couldn't put it down. There is just too much information that we need as women and as parents! We shouldn't be afraid to talk about any of it!