Tuesday, July 19, 2011

18th July 2011

I had to finish my work up early this week because I was in the process of moving from one city to the next. This week in my American Motherhood class, I read a series of literature from women who were lesbians and their struggles for motherhood.  Ok.  I am not going to lie about all of this. I know nothing about same sex relationships. I am a heterosexual that was raised under what I call the monolithic relationship regime.  Yes I said "monolithic!"  ...and yes relationships according to the way I was raised are "stone aged" compared to what I have seen in the past 10  years.  A while back, in the political arena,  all the politicians wanted to get back to the "wholesome American Family Values."

Sure we can go back to a time that was simpler, gas was cheaper, groceries were cheaper, women were second class, cars were easier to operate, possessing pornography was a feleony, people actually talked face to face, and everyone hid their "little secrets" in the closet. Yeah right! Who is fooling who?  Well let's actually examine the "wholesome American Family Values" of yester-year.

Many people of the "nuclear family age" remember shows that were simple like Ozzie and Harriett. Now don't get me wrong, I watched their show and loved it. Take a closer look.  Harriett was a working mother. She worked before, during and after her marriage ended with the death of Ozzie in 1975.  She had help in raising her children with well paid "assistants."  Both of her sons are now deceased, David died in 2011 and Ricky died in a plane crash in 1985.  There is more to the family values than meets the eye. The perfect televison world was not so perfect. There was drug usage by Ricky Nelson and his wife Kris Harmon. Children's life were turned upside down due to a very messy divorce and custody battle.  Their wholesome family values were fiction -- a script.

I understand another great supporter of family values was the late President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy. She too was a working mother -- in a paid job -- until the late 1950's. Then she took on the role of being a mother to several children -- one being Maureen Reagan from Ronald Reagan's 1st marriage. They were so wholesome, they had a rebel daughter named Patti Davis, who made the cover of Playboy. Patti also had some narcotic problems of her own to contend with. Their lives were also fictional -- some of it made up by great publicists.

I could go on and speak of great people like Chas Bono (formerly Chasity Bono daughter of the late Sonny Bono and Cher.) I also could give you great examples from private citizens who are firm believers in "Traditionalism." But I will not!  What point am I making? There is no such thing as "wholesome Family Values" or "Traditional Family Values." It was all made up -- ficticious!

I have always been a strong supporter of "you tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth." History attributes to that fact. What do I mean? Did Washington really cut down the apple tree? Did he really say "I cannot tell a lie." NO! It was a fabrication. 

To close this post down, Lesbianism and motherhood is an interesting concept. Me having children was an interesting concept -- but I did it! (I was married then divorced and raised them without their father. He is still out trying to find himself on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico.) There are children in the world and children waiting to be born that need loving parents without the sexuality stigma attached--that our society so ill mannerly placed on certain groups-- G/L/B. Let's dispell some myths.

You cannot tell a lesbian walking down the street anymore than you can a gay man or a person who is bi-sexual. There are good parents and there are bad parents -- some in same sex relationships and some in heterosexual relationships.  If there are good parents, their sexual activity doesn't generally enter into the family realm until the child is school age. That sexual activity is a "TALK ABOUT THE BIRDS AND THE BEES!" And not what mommy and daddy or significant other are doing behind closed doors.

The definition of a family is a group (related or not) of people that love and care for each other -- some married, some single, and some not.  Christians -- live in a glass houses and shouldn't throw stones! My last question is -- who the heck and what the heck is the "moral majority"-- majority over? Moral majority you are just an opinion and not a very good one at that.

Darrach, Brad. Life after Ozzie and Harriet. People Magazine.9th September 1987. Vol. 28 No. 9
http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20097045,00.html. Web 19th July 2011

NNDB Biography on Patti Davis. 2011 Soylent Communication. 

Purple Babies

Purple Babies
They are cute. I am glad they aren't mine.

Important Question?

Can a mother be a man? Yes --- in a New York minute! He can change a diaper and wipe a nose. Can a mother be a father? Yes -- a woman can put a worm on a hook just as fast as a man.

Important Questions ?

Does giving birth make you a mother? Does having a child in a relationship make you a father? On both accounts no. Just because you have a biological connection to a child makes you not a mother or a father. A real father or mother is painful, tearful, dramatic, tempered, hurt, love, hate, like, giving of one's needs totally to the point of distraction and so on. The biggest thing you can give you child doesn't come in the form of a gift. The biggest thing you can give your child is "YOUR TIME."

About Me

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This blog started as a class project, but I couldn't put it down. There is just too much information that we need as women and as parents! We shouldn't be afraid to talk about any of it!